Thursday 14 October 2010

Clay Demo

The clay is of a plastic consistency whereas when it was originally got out of the ground, it would have been a lot dryer, all that they have done is add water. This was one description that i found on bottle slumping. " Many people also use the word 'fusing' to include bending and shaping using the heat of the kiln. This manipulating can take many forms, but the most common is 'slumping', where a mould is used to cause already fused glass to take on the shape of a bowl, a plate, or a similar object. 
After research, I would define bottle slumping as " shaping a bottle to look like a certain design or purpose, whether it be a kitchen utensil or a piece of art."

These are the instructions for making our bottle slump mould:

Rolling pin       knife       mat       fork       pot of water     clay

Instructions, step by step
1) Cover bottles in paper towels.
2) Flatten clay using the palm of our hand. Keep turning it over and repeat process until it is even (1cm thick)
3) With a knife, trim the edges
4) Get two scrap pieces of clay and put them either side of the bottle to stop it rolling.
5) Drape the clay over the bottle and shape delicately.
6) At 4 points rough the clay up (crosshatching) with a fork
7) Put 4 'feet' onto the mould, crosshatching them before hand
8) Attach the 'feet' to the mould using a small amount of water. The 'glue' is called the clay slip.
9) Curve the ends of the mould up and initial them.
10) leave the mould to go bone dry.
11) Fire into kiln at 1,110'c

Magazine Flowers

Using a single sheet of a magazine, we rolled it up to make a long, thin tube. We then got another sheet and cut lots of slits into it. When we rolled it up it resembled a flower form. We then placed this into the top of our long roll, creating the stem.

Introduction to Bottle Slumping

Bottle clumping is a fun way to create gifts and/ or kitchen plates (as seen above). As well as being cheap, it is a fun way to recycle.

In order to make your bottle slump into a certain shape, you have to make a mold, usually out of clay. In the next post i wil state the steps to make a clay mold and later on, i will record my finished, slumped bottle.

This bottle has been molded to the shape of the biscuits creating an effective, echo friendly biscuit.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Relief form

My attempt

Inspired by Cara bearer (see below) our art work this week was on relief form. held together originally by paper-clips, the twists of the magazine strip were glued together and in my case stood up to create an effective piece. It took a lot longer than I expected and I was quite pleased with the final outcome. I managed to vary the size of the spirals and I could see the connection with Cara's work.

This was were our  main inspiration came from (Cara Barer's work):
Journey to Zaragoza
The thing I really like about Barer's pieces is that she made a simple, everyday object into an original piece of art. In Journey to Zaragoza, as well as liking the formation of the piece, I think that it is a really clever use of materials; the maps linking to the title of the piece really well.

I love her pieces. I think that they create a real atmosphere with the spirals of the pages. I could have improved my piece by making it more secure because at this current stage, it is quite flimsy. To make it more secure, I could have put a bit more glue. Or, to make it more professional, I could use wax like Cara Barer does. Given the opportunity, I would mount my piece on a black wall to create the floating effect Barer manages to create. 

3D projecting Form

Progressed into...
(almost finished)

 (not the best photo/angle but I had trouble uploading the others)

This is the starting stage, almost finished and finished stages of my 3d projected form. After making the base out of newspaper, we started to cover it with some pages from the back and front of the book. As in the 2D projecting form, we brainstormed some ideas in the front of the book, relative to the theme, cats.

I chose the sleeping cat as my form because the book is about a small kitten getting lost in the snow and at the very end of the story, there is an illustration of a cat curled up in a basket in front of a fire. I thought that this summed the book up quite nicely so that is why I created this 3D form. If you look very closer, you can see some of the key phrases from the book, on his face there are more, smaller phrases. For example; lost in the snow, animal rescue, the unwanted kitten and safe by the fireplace.

The pieces influenced me with the amount of detail they included and i only really  realised how hard it is to create that amount of detail when I tried it four myself.

Pieces which inspired this work:

As I previously commented, I like the way the goat is coming out of one page and eating the next. Now that I have done a piece in the similar style, I appreciate how hard it is to create a piece this precise and with this amount of detail.

2D Flip art

Our class has been working on our simple 2D flip art pieces, inspired by our research last week.We did this in a number of steps.

1) Miss Gardiner handed out books in a random order from a bookshop. 
I got one about super cars (as you can imagine I was thrilled, my list of forms to create wasn't the widest, cars and more cars!*). 

2) We turned roughly to the middle of the book and glued 4 pieces of 
paper together on each side. 

3) Brainstormed ideas and made a small spider diagram to show them. 
We also did a simple sketch of what we thought our final idea would look like.

4) Next lesson we finished off our simple sketch and started 
drawing it onto our sheets (the ones we stuck together).

5) After collecting the knife, we started cutting out our designs, making 
sure we didn't cut the whole shape out completely.

6) When we had finished, we stood the cut shapes up, creating our 2d 
flip art piece.

*when I first got the book, I didn't think much of it as I didn't feel like I had much choice but with help from the people on my table, I put some ideas on the brainstorm. I would have liked to have got an older book as I think they are more effective- simple text, yellowing pages and no pictures.

This was visibly my first attempt!

Here are a few pices which inspired our work:

I really like the way that we can see the shadows- it adds to the atmosphere of the piece.
This inspired me to use layers and different heights but at this stage in the lessons we were just experimenting and, with limited time, we were unable to expand into a more complex piece.
I could have improved by adding more visible layers- I learnt from my mistakes not to make the main focus too big to the front because you cant fit any shorter things around it.

Tom Phillips

One artists who uses books to create art is Tom Phillips. This is an example of his work. 
Tom Phillips was born in London in 1937 and is probably most famous for his 370 paged artwork called 'The Humument'He first saw a book called the human document. He joined the words together to create a Humument. Using different creative techniques, he covered  the pages, only leaving a couple of words behind, which made sense as a whole.

We did a piece of homework inspired by his style. It was harder than I originally thought to  get the words to make sense and even my finished piece didn't make complete sense. As Mr peacock took in our work and hasn't handed it back yet, I am not able to upload a photo.


Rearrange to

This blog shows my research into some artists who will inspire me in my project-
 recycling books to create a new piece of art.

The following image is by Ros Rixon:

Sachiyo Yoshida
  I think this piece is really clever- the way that the goat is coming out of one page and eating the next.

As I create new posts, I will refer too a wider variety of artists and how they link to my work.